Summer Chemistry Research at Montana State!

Prof. Michael Mock (Faculty member in the Department of Chemistry and  Biochemistry) is seeking a junior or senior undergraduate chemistry  major interested in performing synthetic inorganic chemistry at Montana  State University from May 23 – July 31. This summer research  opportunity is funded by the National Science Foundation and will run  concurrently with a separate NSF sponsored REU program (Research  Experience for Undergraduates) hosted by MSU. Research activities will  entail the synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes  for energy related applications and small molecule activation. Research  will be performed in Prof. Mock’s research laboratory. Summer dorm  housing and a 100-meal dining plan will be provided on the MSU campus.  A $3,500 summer research stipend will be offered for the 10-week  session. Interested candidates should contact Prof. Michael Mock by  email:

You can find more information regarding the research and Prof. Mock below.