Serving Underrepresented Students for over 25 Years
Our mission is to broaden participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Apply NowOther FormsWhat is ANAMP?
The Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance: All Nations AMP (ANAMP) is an iniative is funded by the National Science Foundation, focused on supporting Native American students to succesfully completing degrees in STEM fields. This is accomplished through direct participant support and collaborations with our partner institutions. ANAMP is designed to serve a geographically diverse alliance of 35 colleges and universities. ANAMP provides financial stipends, conference travel assistance, and research opportunities to eligible AMP Scholars. Benefits are limited to students enrolled in qualified STEM degree programs at our partner institutions.
U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
Full-Time Student
ANAMP Scholars should be enrolled in 12 credit hours per term and seeking a Bachelor's (Baccalaureate) of Science Degree
STEM Major
ANAMP Scholars must be in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) major based on a CIP code approved by the National Science Foundation.
High Academic Achievement
Scholars must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average of at leader 2.5 at their current institution.
Completed Application
Complete and Submit the ANAMP Scholar Application
Pursuing first BS degree
ANAMP Scholars must be pursuing their first baccalaureate degree.
SCHOLAR benefits
AMP Scholar Stipend
ANAMP Scholars that demonstrate financial need receive a performance based stipend at the end of each term
Travel Reimbursement
AMP Scholars can receive reimbursement for approved STEM-related travel and conference-related expenses even if they have no unmet financial need.
Bridge to Doctorate
ANAMP Scholars are eligible for acceptance into the LSAMP Bridge to Doctorate programs, supporting STEM doctoral degree seekers
Research Opportunities
ANAMP Scholars are eligible to participate in research projects and opportunities, including the Costa Rica International Research Experience
Networking and Mentorship
Connect with and STEM scholars, faculty, and organizations to further your reasearch and academic career
Alumni Opportunities
Stay in touch with ANAMP for opportunities to showcase your accomplishments