Costa Rica International Research Experience (updated) from Lucas Hamilton on Vimeo.
The All Nations Alliance for Minority Participation (ANAMP) program in conjunction with the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), announces a short-term international research experience for eligible American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) undergraduates. The goal of the Costa Rica International Research Experience (CRIRE) project is fourfold, 1) enhance research skills for students, 2) enhance research and mentoring skills for faculty researchers, 3) to improve the participation rate in the full 8-week summer research program by exposing AMP scholars to an international experience on a short term project, and 4) development of cultural capital of participants through cross-cultural and cross-institutional experiences.
Past programs have been a total of 13 days, with nine full days at the Las Cruces Biological Station (LCBS) learning and conducting research with scientists and indigenous experts from Panama, as well as participating in short field trips to explore the local culture. Students, along with their Faculty Mentors are expected to complete a small field project, including experimental design, data gathering, and analysis to prepare for a presentation of results at the conclusion of the program. Students and Faculty Mentors will experience the process of applying the scientific method to ecological inquiry and discovery in a collaborative and team-oriented environment.
Each year, 4-5 indigenous ecological experts from Panama are invited to join the CRIRE AI/AN scholars, working with each group on their research projects. In this manner the CRIRE program provides the opportunity for an integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) with STEM research projects. The global indigenous exchange is a core component to the CRIRE program.